Sunday, June 21, 2009

And I wonder

I'm a fairly cynical person as most 20 somethings with a truck load of baggage are. At 23, I consider myself still young and naive (which reverts immediately to 'wise grandma' the moment I come in contact with the species termed as 'male or man' of similar age group).

Yesterday a regular customer and his friend walked into the store I work at and as always I began an inevitable session of winging and moaning about this wretched city. Here's how the conversation goes:

Customer or Hat Dude: You look dressed up. Got plans for tonight?

Me: Ummm... not sure yet. Planning on ditching them to be honest. I'm not excited about hanging out with a bunch of boys younger than me on my Saturday night. This city sucks.

Hat Dude:
Oh man you just need to meet the right people to show you around. This city ain't half as bad.

No seriously, it sucks and I barely know anyone.

Hat Dude:
Oh enough with the shenanigans!! How long you been here now?

Umm... around a month and a half or two months... maybe.

Hate Dude's Mate:
By now you should have a boyfriend.. or better yet be married.

*GASP* Oh dear lord

Hate Dude's Mate:
You are in Oklahoma. That's the way it is over here.

(I forget the rest of the conversation)

I was too busy gagging on the boyfriend/marriage comment. Why is it that in this hilly billy town also known as Oklahoma City, everyone is in a dire need to 'hook up' at an early age. Turns out the hat dude is married too.

While in London I struggled to get a decent bloke to hit on me. Here I get everything from 21 year olds to 50+ asking me out to dinner.

Does the metropolitan lifestyle make men selective or reserved? And does the suburban trucker life style makes men desperate or bold?


  1. "Does the metropolitan lifestyle make men selective or reserved? And does the suburban trucker life style makes men desperate or bold?"

    that's just the way it is darling
    you hit the bull's eye.

  2. what do you like better? the metropolitan reserved or the suburban desparate?
