Sunday, July 5, 2009

Its always going to be something

Really it is. Whether its the job you hate or your love life sucking or your neighbours dog. There will always be something that is going to supposedly stop you from finding bliss. If only I could find a better job, if only Mr. Right would put the seat down, if only it was legal to shoot the rodent and so on.

I can't complain today. I had a wonderful time. Everything from sitting at the back of the truck in the rain to watch the fireworks, to sitting in a friend's girl friends house watching the boys burn the meat on the BBQ, it was simple and perfect.

I think I talk too much. Sometimes I forget to shut up. Till there's that silence when I start to wonder, 'Oh.. I guess I need to catch my breath'. It's a wonder someone didn't shake me, gag me and throw me in the closet. Still, it was a laugh.

This is the first day I didn't think of anything but the moment. I felt free from myself.

I feel motivated. I feel empowered. I feel blissful!


  1. Talking and silence, in equal measure, are good for the soul.

    Perhaps bliss comes not in the form of grand gestures, but in the small, intermittent, and perfect moments that go as easily as they come.

  2. I use to think, I really want to capture those moments in a bottle. Now I understand those moment are precious simple because of their lifespan and unpredictable arrival in our lives.

    Sometimes theres a litle too much of silence. Talking is my way of overcompensating for it.

  3. There's a beautiful Japanese saying that we value moments because they are transient and will never happen again in the same way.

    At our cores, we are social creatures that constantly seek connection, growth, and fulfillment. I enjoy moments of silence, but I also value the chance to talk and share thoughts with others. Keeping an online journal - or blogging, if you will - has given me the avenue to communicate myself. I've never been much of a talker, so I choose to communicate through my writing or artwork.
